Own It: Commanding Your Professional Destiny!

Successful people embrace help on their journey. Whether it was good teachers, coaches, mentors, business colleagues, or personal partners, family, and friends, guidance and support from people who care is invaluable.

At the same time, successful people are not dependent on others – they develop a vision for what they want to achieve. They take responsibility for their decisions. They drive their careers forward with purpose and intention. It’s not always (usually) a linear journey, yet they persevere and create their desired outcomes.

As someone who has spent decades in Human Resource leadership roles and executive coaching, I’ve seen firsthand the power of individuals who OWN their professional journey. Now, let’s explore my “Top 10” actionable recommendations to help you create and own your professional destiny:

  1. Self-awareness and reflection: Start by understanding your strengths, opportunities, and areas for growth. Analyze the current situation in your career, company, and team, as well as your personal life and the people in it.  Reflect on your experiences to gain insights into your career trajectory, aspirations for the future, and your professional journey.
  2. Learn from feedback: Actively seek feedback from supervisors, direct reports, peers, and mentors. Use constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth and to identify areas where you can improve and develop professionally.
  3. Define your career aspirations: Clearly articulate your long-term career goals and aspirations. Having a clear vision for where you want to go will help guide your professional development efforts and keep you focused on what truly matters to you.
  4. Set objectives and goals: Define clear, achievable objectives goals using the SMART methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) that align with your career aspirations. Break them down into smaller milestones to track your progress effectively and stay motivated.
  5. Leverage the 70/20/10 development model: Allocate your learning efforts according to the 70/20/10 model, focusing 70% on challenging assignments, 20% on developmental relationships (such as colleagues, mentors and coaches), and 10% on formal training.
  6. Measure Progress: Regularly assess and track your advancement against set objectives, goals, and milestones. Celebrate achievements and adjust strategies as needed to stay on course toward your professional aspirations.
  7. Network: Build a strong professional network by connecting with colleagues, supervisors, mentors, industry experts, and potential collaborators. Networking can provide valuable insights, opportunities, and support throughout your career.
  8. Take control: Empower yourself to take control of your professional development journey. Be proactive in seeking opportunities, advocating for yourself, and making strategic decisions to advance your career. Embrace and commit to continuous learning and development throughout your career.
  9. Be Adaptable and Resilient: Embrace change and challenges as learning experiences and opportunities for growth. Cultivate adaptability and resilience to navigate setbacks, learn from failures, and balance self-accountability with self-compassion.
  10. Seek and Accept Help: Own your journey and embrace the help of others along the way. There is power in being vulnerable and understanding areas for transformative change. Find an experienced executive or business coach who, like a great athletic coach, can finetune your performance and help you achieve your potential. (I’d love to talk to you about this.)

By implementing these recommendations and taking charge of your professional destiny, you can chart a course for success and fulfillment in your career. Remember, you have the power to shape your future and create the career and life you desire. Own it, command it, and watch yourself soar to new heights of achievement and satisfaction. I can’t wait to witness you reaching new heights!